The past week has been by far my favorite part of this trip so far. It all started with running into freshgrounds again where we ended up spending half a day eating as much food as you can put in your stomach and then waking up in the morning and doing it all over again. A few days later we went up and over Roan mountain. AKA the most wonderful walking of the trip. It was 13 miles of balsa with a huge civil war barn that was converted into a 40 person shelter in the middle. A day or so after that we ended up on top of a hill that we quickly turned into a sweet campsite. That we named hilly billy knob, cause all around us we were hearing gun shots and four wheelers. The next leg of our journey ran from iron mountain shelter to Damascus, or what we like to call the damascathon 26.2 miles from the shelter to town. By this time however we were very low on food, I think I had 2 pop tarts 2 snickers and a couple tortillas to get to town....... But I was over it and was under the mind set of Damascus or die. So off we went, the day was made when at mile 11 of 26 a man named nomad was waiting with a fresh grounds trail magic spread where I was not only able to eat all I wanted but also able to pack as much as I wanted out. We started the day at 5:30 in the morning and finished at 6:30 at night and in the mean time we checked off our third state of 14!!!!!!! Now we just have 550 miles in Virginia, lets dance!!!!!!
Big things coming up in my trip, the Grayson highlands, and 500 miles
Attached I have pictures of roan, over mountain shelter (the barn). The two state lines that we crossed North Carolina, and Tennessee. And just some pictures of the gang.
nice to see you back on the trail Nick!!- Dana R.