Saturday, May 25, 2013

My birthday, The shenny's, dawn, and harpers

So may 11th you may have heard of the day but its kinda a big deal. This was the day that i left those teenage years behind and man did we do it up. It worked out that my bday was also a town day, so we went into Buena vista where we made ice cream Sundays in the streets like hobos. Then we went over to a Chinese restaurant, and finished it up with a little party out at the first shelter out of town. The day before we entered into our second national park, ( hoping and praying it would go better than the first) we got the biggest helping of trail magic since fresh grounds. This wonderful lady named dawn, who my friend java man had met on Mother's Day picked us up to take us into town in order to resupply, by the end she had taken us to a local brewery, the local fair trade coffee shop, and to her house where we got to spend the night and had a family BBQ where we had her step brothers new hard cider that when it gets up into the north I would recommend over woodchuck. Bold rock check it out!!!!!!!!! That night java, movie star, white out and I were just taken aback by how generous this woman was. Then we found out about her SOBO in 1999-2000 and it puts what I went through to shame.......
After dawn dropped us back off at rock fish gap we headed into the SNP where we were greeted by lots of sun, some bears, skyline drive and so many day hikers.
Today I find myself on the floor of a hotel room in HARPERS FERRY, or the psychological half way point.

So the first couple pictures are from my birthday, the last birthday picture is when I proposed to whiteout to be my hiking partner. (He said yes!!!!) the next picture is the group of us at the local coffee shop dawn took us too, from left to right it's dawn, whiteout, myself, maddie and Sophie (dawns children), movie star and then java in the front. The next two photos are from when I hit the 1000 mile mark #
#thuglyfe, and the last two photos are a couple of maine-iacs hanging out at the ATC.

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